New Beginnings or New Opportunity?

2020 has certainly been a notable year so far, but how will you remember it in years to come?

Whilst there is respect and understanding for all of the challenges and losses faced across the world to date, moving forward with new ideas developing, some say a new world emerging, is as inevitable as life is unpredictable. So, what does that mean for you?

Maybe you haven’t thought about it or maybe that is all you have thought about  during the past couple of months…Change often brings new beginnings and opportunity in many guises, though this can be hard to clarify or visualise especially in times of difficulty or hardship.

In Coaching we often use a technique sometimes referred to as the ‘rocking chair’ moment. A future point in life looking back over the years to what life could look like interwoven with hopes and dreams…an opportunity for taking stock to see are you creating a life, fulfilled?

This technique is certainly thought provoking for a life that is predictably unpredictable!  So, imagine you’re sat in your future rocking chair, right now, what would the life you wished for look like, feel like? Who would you be ? Is this reachable, doable…are you on the right path or feeling lost in the woods?

The changing times will create new beginnings and new opportunities; it’s the getting ‘change-ready’ that may take a little creative planning or soul searching.  A smidge of personal reflection and honesty will ensure the path you’re on is the right one for you! 

Explore Coaching or the ‘change-ready’ approach by contacting us today